Technical Agreement for Shipboard Cables
Characteristics and Structure of Cables
Operating environment temperature of cables load:–25℃~+70℃
1 船用电力电缆
1.1 型号 Type:CEFR82/DA
1.2 电压等级 Voltage Grade:0.6/1kV
1.3 弯曲半径 Minimum bending radius:6D
1.4 执行标准 Standards
1.4.1 结构 Construction:IEC60092-350、IEC60092-353
1.4.2 导体 Conductor:IEC60228, Class 2
1.4.3 绝缘 Insulation:IEC60092-360
1.4.4 护套 Sheath:IEC60092-360
1.4.5 阻燃性能Flame retardant:IEC60332-3-22
1.4.6 耐火性能 Fire resistant:IEC60331(CJPJ85/NSC)
1.4.7 烟密度 Smoke Density:IEC61034
1.4.8 卤含量 Halogen Index:IEC60754
1.4.9 导体连续工作温度:90℃
Max. Continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃
1.5 结构描述 Structure
1.5.1 导体 Conductor:镀锡铜丝 Tinned copper wire
1.5.2 绝缘 Insulation:乙丙橡胶 EPR
1.5.3 内护套 Inner sheath:氯丁橡胶 PCP
1.5.4 铠装/屏蔽 Armor/Screen:镀锡铜丝编织Tinned copper wire braid
1.5.5 外护套 Outer sheath:PVC
1.6 护套及线芯颜色 Core Identification and outer sheath
1.6.1 外护套颜色 Color of sheath:黑色 Black
(本安型为蓝色 Blue for Intrinsically safe)
1.6.2 线芯识别 Core Identification 1芯:黑色
1 Core:Black 2芯:棕色、蓝色
2 Core:Brown, Blue 3芯:黑色、棕色、灰色
3 Core:Black, Brown, Grey 4芯:黑色、棕色、灰色、蓝色
4 Core:Black, Brown, Grey, Blue 5芯及以上:白色线芯打印黑色数字
5 cores and above:Printed black number on white core 地线:黄/绿色
Earth core:Yellow/Green
2 船用仪表和通信电缆和控制电缆 Shipboard instrument and communication cable and control cable
2.1 型号 Type:CHEFR82/DA
2.2 电压等级 Voltage Grade:150/250V
2.3 弯曲半径 Minimum bending radius:6D
2.4 执行标准 Standards
2.4.1 结构 Construction:IEC60092-350、IEC60092-376
2.4.2 导体 Conductor:IEC60228, Class 2
2.4.3 绝缘 Insulation:IEC60092-360
2.4.4 护套 Sheath:IEC60092-360
2.4.5 阻燃性能 Flame retardant:IEC60332-3-22
2.4.6 耐火性能 Fire resistant:IEC60331(CHJP85/NSC)
2.4.7 烟密度 Smoke Density:IEC61034
2.4.8 卤含量 Halogen Index:IEC60754
2.4.9 导体连续工作温度:90℃
Max. Continuous operating temperature of conductor:90℃
2.5 结构描述 Structure
2.5.1 导体 Conductor:镀锡铜丝 Tinned copper wire
绝缘 Insulation:乙丙橡胶 PCP
2.5.2 分相屏蔽 Individually screen:无
2.5.3 铠装/屏蔽 Armor/Screen:镀锡铜丝编织Tinned copper wire braid
2.5.4 外护套 Outer Sheath:PVC
2.6 护套及线芯颜色 Core Identification and outer sheath
2.6.1 外护套颜色 Color of sheath:黑色 Black
(本安型为蓝色 Blue for Intrinsically safe)
2.6.2 线芯识别 Core Identification 线对:白色、红色
Core of pair:White, Red 三线组:黑色、白色、红色
Core of triple:Black, White, Red 线对数字编码:线芯上打印线对数字编码
Each core color:Printed pairs number on each core
3 外护套电缆标识 Information of cable mark on sheath
3.1 制造商名称 Name of manufacturer
3.2 电缆型号及规格 Type and size of cable
3.3 耐压等级 Voltage grade
3.4 燃烧性能 Flame property standards
3.5 制造时间 Manufacturing date
3.6 长度标记 Meter mark
4 电缆清单见本协议附件清单,清单中电缆数量为预估数量。需方可根据实际需要在电缆交货期前--天对电缆的型号、规格及数量做合理调整。
The cable list is reference to the attachment of this agreement, and the quantities are estimated value. The buyer (shipyard) can modify the cable list at 45 days before shipment.
5 其他事项,协商解决
Other matters, consult the solution.
6 电缆清单
Cable list.